What is Web Form?

Labels: Descriptions or names placed next to input fields to indicate what kind of information the user should enter.

Key Components of a Web Form:

  1. Input Fields: The areas where users enter data. These can include text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown menus, date pickers, and file upload buttons.
  2. Labels: Descriptions or names placed next to input fields to indicate what kind of information the user should enter.
  3. Buttons: Most commonly, a “Submit” button that, when clicked, sends the form data to a server for processing. Other buttons may include “Reset,” which clears the form fields, or “Cancel.”
  4. Form Tags: The HTML <form> tag is used to define the form. It contains attributes like action, which specifies where the form data should be sent, and method, which defines how the data is sent (usually GET or POST).
  5. Validation: Web forms often include validation rules to ensure that the data entered by users meets certain criteria (e.g., ensuring an email field contains a valid email address).

Uses of Web Forms:

  • User Registration: Collecting information from users to create an account.
  • Login Forms: Allowing users to enter credentials to access a website or application.
  • Search Forms: Enabling users to search for content on a website.
  • Contact Forms: Allowing users to submit inquiries or feedback.
  • Survey and Polls: Gathering user opinions or preferences.

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