Your Website Is the Center of Your Universe (and Client-Side Security Holds It Together)
To do business with any customer, organizations of all types and across all industries must have a digital presence. Marketers like to say “our website is the center of our universe,” and this definitely holds true. If a business does not have a website, consumers quickly question the validity of the business. Buying behaviors today dictate that a business must have an online presence available for the consumer to evaluate the goods and services sold as the first step in their decision-making process.
The customer experience doesn’t stop with websites. Many businesses also have web applications to drive the ease of doing business with customers.
Businesses use web applications to bring in customers, engage them, and keep them coming back for more.
Your user experience, governed by your client-side web applications, is the force behind most of your organization’s cash flow. It keeps your organization in business, growing, and competitive. A good user experience helps you retain existing customers, gain new customers, upsell, cross-sell, and much more! However, it only takes one security breach in which customer data is stolen to damage your brand reputation and cause an exodus of customers fleeing to your competitors.
Client-Side Security Basics: What Is Client-Side Security?
Let’s tell a story loosely based on a real breach to showcase a great example of the net outcome when an organization failed to provide client-side security.
Meet Jane. Jane is planning a trip to New York to visit an old friend from university. She would like to book a flight from London to New York. Jane’s company has invested thousands of dollars in cybersecurity awareness training and, as a result, she is very conscious about protecting herself online. She is circumspect about most websites, especially those offering too-good-to-be-true bargains. She never shops on those websites offering ‘act now,’ last-minute deals.
To book her ticket, Jane goes directly to her favorite and trusted airline’s website. She quickly picks a flight via the airline’s web application, fills in the required information in the online form, and purchases the ticket. Later that day she receives her booking confirmation as well as her receipt from the airline.
A few weeks later Jane receives her credit card statement from her bank. The credit card balance and her bill for the month is much, much higher than usual. Confused, she closely reviews the statement and notes a variety of charges that she did not make. Jane feels anxious and frustrated.
Jane immediately calls her bank. Of course, this is not the bank’s first rodeo, so they void the charges and cancel Jane’s credit card. The bank agrees to send her a replacement VISA card within 48 hours, with a new credit card number, CCV, and expiration date. Jane is thrilled that the bank resolved the credit card charges quickly, but now she can’t make any credit card purchases for the next two days. However, the fun doesn’t stop there. Jane must now change her payment details on every website and subscription service she used her old card on for payment. Jane thinks to herself: “Great, there goes several hours of my life I won’t get back.”
What Jane and her bank do not know is how and where her credit card information was stolen. Jane is a frequent online shopper and is now questioning if she still wants to do business with her usual organizations.
A few months later Jane reads the news. Her favorite airline had a significant data breach. Hackers managed to infiltrate the client side of her favorite airline’s website and skim her credit card data when she booked her flight to New York.
As confirmation of her suspicion that her credit card information was stolen on the airline website, she also receives an email from the airline explaining that she is one of up to 380,000 people whose credit card details and traveler information, including email, name, and address were stolen in a web skimming attack by the Magecart criminal group.
Jane vows to try a different airline next time she is planning a trip.
Sounds pretty relatable, right? The majority of breaches of this type are malware-based skimming that go undetected for weeks or even months, on legitimate business websites.
What Is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)?
WAFs are a special category of firewalls that are designed specifically to protect web applications and businesses from falling victim to some skimming attacks. WAFs are deployed in front of web applications to analyze web traffic in order to detect and block malicious or unauthorized activity.
According to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCIDSS), a WAF is defined as “a security policy enforcement point positioned between a web application and the client endpoint.” Web application firewalls protect web applications from attacks, such as cross-site forgery, cross-site-scripting (XSS), file inclusion, and SQL injection.
However, WAFs are an open systems interconnection (OSI) layer 7 defense mechanism against application-layer attacks. They protect services that user-facing web applications apply to collect, store and utilize data. WAFs are not designed to protect the browser-level user interface itself. In other words, if a web application and its user experience is a house, then the WAF protects the walls, not the furniture or the people inside. In the end, WAFs are not able to detect and protect businesses from sophisticated skimming malware, drive-by skimming, supply chain attacks, or side-loading and chain-loading attacks.
Content Security Policy (CSP)
A Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps businesses and security teams detect and mitigate certain types of attacks. These attacks include cross-site scripting (XSS), JavaScript code injection, and data skimming attacks. Threat actors try to circumnavigate CSP in order to steal data, distribute malware, or deface websites.
CSPs are a great addition to a web security stack, however, they do present some weaknesses when used as a sole security control:
- Excessive and complex “allow list” rules
- CSP bypass techniques
- Incorrect CSP implementation
- CSP implementation tradeoffs
In addition, in the case of most CSPs, it’s not easy to develop and deploy a comprehensive policy. Because most websites and web apps are assembled using third- or fourth-party JavaScript libraries, developers end up “allowlisting” all external and internal hosts of scripts to avoid breaking the functionality of the code. Businesses face a tradeoff between security and functionality of their websites. The main problem with the “allowlisting” approach is that it removes or reduces the very protection CSP is supposed to provide.
The best way to use CSP is part of a layered approach to security when protecting web applications.
Pentesting, Vulnerability Assessments, and Security Assessments
A penetration test (pentest), is a deliberate and scheduled attempt by an organization to evaluate the security of its IT infrastructure by safely trying to exploit vulnerabilities. A vulnerability assessment is a systematic analysis and review of security weaknesses in a technology, system, application, or network. During security assessments, testers focus on security processes, governance, and compliance. Security professionals recommend that penetration tests, vulnerability assessments, and security assessments be conducted on a regular basis. In fact, regular pentesting and assessments are often required by cyber insurance providers in order to attain and retain coverage. Ultimately they are best practices you might already follow or need to start following to keep your websites and web applications safe. Penetration tests, vulnerability assessments, and security assessments have some limitations on account of the fact that they:
- Was my card stolen?
- Who, when, and how did criminals gain access to my credit card?!
- What else did they steal?
- How long has this been going on?
- Will my bank be able to resolve this?
- Will I be reimbursed for these bogus chargers, or am I going to lose my hard earned money?
Typically, pentests and assessments are performed as short-term projects that are repeated on a quarterly or annual basis. Finding good pentesters is hard and they demand a high wage because of the specialized skill set and experience they possess. Many organizations hire a managed security service provider (MSSP) to conduct the pentest. Now let’s assume that a penetration test, vulnerability assessment or security assessment is 100% accurate and provides actionable results. That’s great. However, results are a snapshot in time, thereby arming hackers with the ability to execute attacks between quarterly or annual assessments. Hackers are always looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit and likely will know about new exploits before a pentest has been completed. Relying on quarterly or annual vulnerability assessments is a great start, but companies still remain exposed to breaches. Threats and cyber threat actors move much faster than any company can.
Client-Side JavaScript Vulnerability Scanning
There are quite a few vulnerability scanning products on the market today, many of which have been around for a long time. These tools are designed to scan and assess computers, software, applications, servers, and networks to uncover known weaknesses (a.k.a. vulnerabilities) that could be used for malicious purposes by hackers. Vulnerability scanners are used to identify and detect vulnerabilities arising from misconfigurations or flawed programming within network-based assets such as firewalls, routers, web servers, application servers, and more. Cybersecurity teams deploy vulnerability scanners to find potential inroads hackers could use to breach their networks and defenses.
Once a vulnerability has been found, vulnerability management and security teams then patch the vulnerabilities with software updates.
If vendor software updates are not available, security teams find ways to reduce the potential harm or cyber risk they might incur if a hacker attempts to breach their network using the vulnerability as their entry point. Vulnerability scanners are a necessary technology for any cybersecurity program. However, they are not useful for client-side security, as they are not designed to support client-side security efforts. Vulnerability scanners are designed to scan back-end code and systems, typically those digital assets that live on the server side.
They aren’t able to detect and enumerate all JavaScript scripts and vulnerabilities. Vulnerability scanners can only see the client side after it’s been compiled together, not in real-time. They also can only see a single domain, not all of the links that are part of it.
Code Scramblers and Obfuscation Technologies
What Are Code Scramblers and Obfuscators?
Code scrambling or code obfuscation is a process by which easy-to-read code is distorted to make it difficult to comprehend. The goal of code scrambling and obfuscation is to make it difficult for competitors, other developers, and threat actors to reverse engineer or modify it. Code obfuscators allow websites to load properly in the browser without being different to the naked eye.
Web application developers and security teams acquire code obfuscators in order to hide JavaScript web application code that threat actors or competitors might target. By concealing portions of the code, developers hope to reduce the risk that threat actors might use the code for malicious purposes. It is quite easy and cheap to scramble or obfuscate code.
There are many free code obfuscation tools available, but they come with some great limitations.
First, with time and effort, web applications that were obfuscated with free code obfuscating technologies can be reverse engineered to uncover a version of the original application. This is why hackers use code obfuscation to their advantage. There are also code de-obfuscators on the market. These simply do not work. Some paid code obfuscating technologies pollute the original web application code to such an extent that you can’t even get remotely close to the original code if you try to unscramble it. Herein lies a substantial problem. If you obfuscate your web application code, you can’t unscramble it. You can’t go back to the original code. So it gets extremely hard to spot security issues and vulnerabilities in the code. Normal code and malicious code in a scrambled web app looks exactly the same. Your web developers can no longer see issues in the code with the naked eye and are likely to miss critical vulnerabilities. Some businesses circumvent this by implementing dynamic code analysis to track issues, but this is time-consuming, costly, and inefficient.
Client-Side Attack Surface Monitoring
What Are Client-Side Attack Surface Monitoring Solutions?
Client-side attack surface monitoring solutions are a relatively new cybersecurity technology that automatically discover all of a company’s web assets and report on their data access. These solutions use headless browsers to navigate through all the JavaScript contained on the website and web application pages. The technology gathers real-time information about how the scanned website works from the end-user perspective.
A key component of the technology is synthetic users, which are deployed during threat detection scans to act and interact the way a real human would when completing websites and web application tasks.
Evaluation of web applications from a security perspective isn’t the only thing that client-side attack surface monitoring solutions do. They also perform post-scan informational analyses to offer businesses synthesized intelligence to secure web applications from harm. In addition, they analyze all information synthetic users collect and enumerate client-side threat intelligence for security teams to act on quickly and effectively.
Built-in machine learning capabilities also identify and classify data to detect and report on a variety of client-side security challenges.
- Active malware
- Live marketing or other tracking software
- Geographic IP information
- Obfuscated scripts
- Data assets collected (financial, PII, etc.)
- Historical overview of your client-side attack surface
- Client-side security trends
- Types of webpages (login, billing, etc.)
- SSL issues
- Known JavaScript vulnerabilities
JavaScript Security Permissions
Traditional software and applications, a.k.a. those not written in JavaScript, come with a menu or functions to set user permissions.
By default, JavaScript environments do not have a security permissions model built-in. Third-party JavaScript code can have an unrestricted level of access to sensitive data at the browser level, so the attack surface is broad and wide open. There are a few client-side security products on the market today. They add security permissions and controls to JavaScript. Application developers and security teams simply have to add a few lines of code to their websites and web applications.
The JavaScript security solution automatically applies security configurations and permissions for continuous protection from malicious client-side activities and third-party scripts. These solutions integrate directly into the runtime environment of every user browser session to enable proactive monitoring and
JavaScript security permission solutions essentially deploy the Zero Trust model on JavaScript applications and run continuously in the background to automatically detect unauthorized scripts and anomalous code behavior.
After detection, they block all unauthorized and unwanted behavior in real-time across an organization’s web assets. JavaScript security solutions monitor and respond to browser-level security events in real-time by auto-instrumenting themselves on every website and applying security configurations to every user browser session. If an application development or security team deploys JavaScript security permissions on all of their client-side pages and applications, then third-party JavaScript code can’t be tampered with and data can’t be exfiltrated by threat actors. Coupled with proactive scanning of client-side assets, application security and cybersecurity teams will receive alerts with context, to repair client-side security issues, all while being protected.
Advanced Client-Side Security Technologies
Client-Side Attack Surface Monitoring
- Newer, advanced threat detection technology.
- Identifies and classifies data and threat intelligence to detect and report on client-side security vulnerabilities and attacks.
- Automatically discovers all web assets and reports on their data access.
- Uses headless browsers to navigate through all JavaScript contained on the website and web application pages.
- Gathers real-time information about how the scanned website works from the end-user perspective.
- Deploys synthetic users during threat detection scans to act and interact as a real human would.
- Logs and monitors each web application interaction.
- Uses behavioral analyses and injects logic into each page to gather information that is difficult to collect manually.
JavaScript Security Permissions
- Automatically applies security configurations and permissions for continuous protection from malicious client-side activities and third-party scripts.
- Blocks all unauthorized and unwanted behavior in real-time across an organization’s web assets.
- Prevents data exfiltration.
- Integrates directly into the runtime environment of every user browser session to enable proactive monitoring and defense.
- Deploys the Zero Trust model on JavaScript applications.
- Runs continuously in the background to automatically detect unauthorized scripts and anomalous code behavior.
- Monitors and responds to browser-level security events in real time by auto-instrumenting on every website and applying security configurations to every user browser session.
Grow Your Business and Avoid Data Breaches with the Right Type of Client-Side Security
Regardless of your role as cybersecurity professional, application developer, marketer, or customer service representative, you are responsible for protecting your most critical assets—your customers.
In order to grow your business and avoid costly data breaches, it’s your responsibility to prevent skimming attacks and the associated data exfiltration. The ultimate goal is to maintain secure client-side web applications and webpages to deliver a user experience without risk or compromise. The dangers that come through the client side are significant, as are the historic challenges to defeat them—complexity, a lack of visibility, and an inability to uncover, remediate, and prevent client-side attacks.
But with knowledge of what is needed, it can be achieved and not just talked about.
Implementing effective client-side security threat defenses is crucial to ensure the safety of your customer data, the integrity of your user experience, the functionality of your web applications and websites, and the ability for your business to grow and succeed. If you are interested in automating your client-side security operations and hardening your skimming defenses please reach out to us. Our client-side security specialists stand ready to help you protect your business and your customers.
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Security for Everyone that Visits Your Website
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